Family Care program

Our family care workers are responsible for working with families with children, individual support, and family based healing plans.

Liliana Dobronyi -

Fatou Taal - - on maternity leave

Karelle Chevrier -


Youth Protection Advocacy
In addition to providing emotional support during meetings with lawyers and social workers, we advocate for the inclusion of culturally-appropriate provisions in intervention plans, and the use of culturally-sensitive services.

One-on-One Counselling
With a client-centered and strength-based approach, we work on individual healing plans to achieve goals set by the client. We also make sure to include traditional methods according to the client’s culture as much as possible.

We provide support for doctor appointments, interviews, and court dates. We will also provide accompaniments for new arrivals to Montreal, who need help getting situated in the city. Accompaniments are also offered to those wanting to attend workshops at partner organizations.

Service Referrals
Community collaborations is important in order to set up a sustainable, long-term support system for all clients. In addition to the many partnerships we have in the city and its surrounding areas, the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal also offers specific programs in addictions, housing, and holistic health.